Howdy! I’m Elyse, a 25 year old living in San Antonio, Texas. I just left my role at an advertising agency (where I worked 2+ years) to find a better fit. Due to the fast pace of agency life, burnout, and ✨general quarter-life crisis vibes✨ I’ve been feeling, I’ve made the decision to take some time off to actively pursue my passions and creative endeavors in an effort to gain more clarity about what I want to do in my career.

These passions include painting, drawing, reading, crochet, running, climbing, cooking, making YouTube videos, improving my Spanish, and spending time outside, learning about the natural world. I also want to build writing skills, hence the creation of this blog.

I intend for this sabbatical to last for 3-4 months and to document as much of my growth as possible through this Substack. By the end of my sabbatical, I’m hoping to build more of a creative base and alternative sources of income that are sustainable to maintain along with a full or part-time job — or whatever I find to be most fitting for me. I look forward to owning more of my time and finding ways I can more effectively help others with my skills and interests.

I hope to inspire others to examine their interests (especially creative ones!) more closely and incorporate them more fully into their lives. ((I also hope to figure out what the heck I’m gonna to do next!!))

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Subscribe to Elyse’s Sabbatical

A newsletter about my experiences and interests throughout my current sabbatical. I left my first job at an advertising agency in May 2023, and I am taking time to create and learn to find what’s next.
